Bookeasy booking solution

Dear Brisbane Valley Rail Trail Accommodation Provider

You are invited to list your accommodation with a new online accommodation booking platform dedicated to the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail.

Why do we need an one-stop accommodation booking service?

Visitors to the BVRT fall into two main categories: those embarking on the entire 161 km trail and those seeking a relaxing stay while exploring different sections.

Unfortunately, the current accommodation booking process lacks coordination, and can be baffling and time-consuming. When booking a multiday tour, travellers must check availability with each provider and make separate bookings with each one—a tedious experience compared to other destinations.

We need a one stop booking solution.

The Solution: Bookeasy

I’ve partnered with Bookeasy, a Queensland-based company known for its streamlined booking technology.

This is what it looks like:

Here’s how it works:

  1. One-Stop Booking: Travelers enter their dates. Bookeasy then displays the available accommodation and shows the locations on an interactive map. They select their preferred options and make a single payment via Bookeasy—all in one place. Check out the website for the Blue Derby Mountain Biking destination to see how it works.
  2. Local Advantage: Unlike overseas platforms, Bookeasy keeps commissions within Australia and is already the trusted platform for many tourism centres around Australia – (it’s a long list – check them out –
  3. Boosted Traffic: In preparation for integrating the Bookeasy platform, I’ve redesigned the  website to improve useability. Even with those small changes, the website has already seen a 15% boost in traffic. Visitors appreciate the improved experience, as highlighted by the very positive feedback I have received. Adding the one-stop booking solution will take it to the next level.
  4. Competitive Edge: By listing with Bookeasy, you’ll gain a competitive advantage. The recent study by University of Queensland found that 72.2% of all visitors to the BVRT have visited the  website and Bookeasy provides a unique connectivity solution for tourism operators – one connection, hundreds of potential buyers looking specifically for BVRT accommodation.
  5. Integrates with existing booking system. It can integrate with your existing booking system so no need to change you existing system. Alternatively, if you don’t yet have an online booking system, it can become your primary online booking system.

The Details

  • Setup Cost: As the platform host, I am making the initial investment of $5,500 setup fee, payable in two annual instalments. There are no setup costs for accommodation providers.
  • Service Fee: Providers pay a 15% service fee per booking—similar to other platforms like Airbnb and There is no other cost.
  • Affiliate Commission: I’ll receive an affiliate commission, helping me to recover the initial setup costs of $5,500 over two years.

Ready to Get Onboard? It’s easy as…

Let’s simplify the BVRT accommodation booking process together. Start listing your accommodation on Bookeasy as soon as the platform is launched in about 4 weeks!

If you wish to benefit from this great initiative, at this stage we only need you to complete the easy online form for operators:

Online form

When completing the form, the website is obviously and the Affiliate is ‘Brisbane Valley Rail Trail Adventures’.

 Providing a one stop booking experience for visitors to the rail trail will be a game changer for BVRT tourism.

Please feel welcome to give me a call on 0417 342854 or reply to this email if you would like any more information.

Let’s take the BVRT accommodation booking experience to the next level together.

Thank you.

Paul Heymans
Brisbane Valley Rail Trail Adventures

0417 342854

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